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Showing posts from March, 2015

Trekking Malabar to Botany Bay

Now that I've settled in Sydney and a couple projects have "settled" down, I've made a point to venture out and explore this giant island...starting with the outskirts of Sydney. Usually, I have a day of chores and a day of adventure. Saturday this past weekend was market day.... Heading all warnings (especially after quite the sunburn recently)...I slathered myself in sunscreen and shielded my face with a hat. And Sunday.  Trekking.  I took the train and then a bus to Malabar Bay.  Here's the overview: I mostly jogged from Malabar to Little Bay. I say mostly because there were places where it was thick with bush or sand that I walked through....I have to admit that I was a bit nervous.  Knowing that Australia is home to the DEADLIEST snakes in all the world doesn't help...especially when you aren't sure where they might be...and you see the few occasional signs warning of "snake sightings".  Having said all that, ...