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Showing posts from March, 2012

On My Mind

Little things make me smile. Today I smiled because I got to create a project that involves two passions:  jewelry and paper crafting.  I was commissioned to create a jewelry tool for a client. Unfortunately, I was in such a hurry to get it over to her that I forgot to snap a photo of it prior to "locking" in this little package.  So, we'll just concentrate on the package. It was really simple.  3 x 3.75 inches.  I scored every 7/8" on the longer side and created a little pentagon package that is fixed on each end with a 5 petal flower punch.  In the center, I punched a little hole where I strung twine that I purchased from another chick, on her ETSY site. Then, of course, the sentiment, which is, of course, from Unity.  I love these new sentiment sets, because I'm ALWAYS looking for a good sentiment to use and these sets put them together for me. This one is from the  { thoughts are with you} set and is perfect for what ...

No, Not Gnarly.....

instead.... Gnarled So, I've been knitting again recently!  And found this wonderful pattern, which was a super quick knit and really easy to follow directions.  I think this is an easy project for a knitter without much experience.  I had it off the needles in just a little under a week!   If you want to see what yarn I used, I have it all outlined on my Ravelry project page, HERE . I will definitely get some use out of this pattern.  And I love the yarn I used.  Never was much of a bleu maiden, but there is something about this particular shade (and it's popular right now) that I really like. The pattern not only includes the pattern for a cowl, but also super-quick, easy [and surprisingly warm] cuffs.... So, the next picture is me, modeling..AND...showing my face...EEEK.  I couldn't talk Caitlin into modeling it for me and I was too shy to ask one of the neighbor girls.  So, here I am bleary-eyed watching my hu...

Springtime Foggy Views

There is something more than intriguing about a quiet walk in the woods on a foggy springtime morning.

{ippity} Thanks

Here are just a few cards I whipped up today for a demonstration/workshop using the new set, BE BRAVE BRANCH OUT  and JUST WANTED TO SAY . Be sure to take advantage of the specials this weekend over on the Unity website if you are in need (or want) of some new rubber! So here's another sad little Oliver while I was making cards.  Silly boy.  He doesn't realize that tomorrow, we have a full day planned with a long run in the woods and then an outing.

Bright Birthday

So here's a bright card I created last night while enjoying the release party!  I just love this new {ippity} image and especially the sentiment, because it's so silly....and we all like silly, yes? Counts as Fruit You can pick up this little jewel alone OR you can get a bundle of all the amazing sets in this release.  Here's the details on that. $38.00 It's $38.00, which offers a great savings over purchasing the stamps individually...and remember, you can always use your KOTM or SMAK coupons when you purchase {ippity}...and they work on the bundles too for even MORE savings.  This bundle is ONLY available this weekend, so hurry up...go get it NOW. But wait, there's more! Because this is the release weekend, there are, as usual, some pretty sweet deals going on.  Who doesn't need more rubber heading their way?  Did you see the other Unity stamps released? For {ippity}, you will need to pick a chick before m...

Groovy Reveal and {Ippity} Release

Today is the big day!  Some new {ippity} is being released! Isn't this a great image?  I always loved VW van.  In high school, I dreamed of caravanning around, camping in one and living free.  See the world, no worries! Well, I never had the pleasure of owning one, but every time I see one, I get all nostalgic. You'll need to head over to the Unity website to get some new stuff!  Just give me a "click" (You'll have to pick a chick) and you can get your hands on these! Here's the line-up: If you use an {ippity} image in a project, shoot me a comment (anytime, anywhere on my blog), and I'll help you show it off on my Pinterest account: HERE .

Groovy Birthday Card

A birthday isn't complete without a birthday card, right?  So, here is a take on a card that is ALSO a gift package.  I love this simple design.  So fun. And this is also a little sneak peak of the upcoming {ippity} release, which is happening THIS THURSDAY (8-Mar).   You'll have to wait until tomorrow to see the rest of the hidden image!  This as well as all the other releases will be available for purchase starting on Thursday.   The release party will include a hop to get you inspired!

Deer Tick on Oliver! Poor Baby

  Oliver reporting here for Mom who is quite distraught.   Do I look worried.  I should be! She found a deer tick on me! I've been feeling particularly sleepy the past week or so. She thinks it's because of the tick! I've been vaccinated for Lyme's disease too! I hope she's wrong. In this shot, she said it had the typical ring around the bite and was very red.  She could not get the head out.  YUK!  I guess I'm stuck with a deer tick head in my body.  I think I might faint.

Easy Labels for Hand Knits

So, the gift to my friend wasn't  complete without a pretty label. I even pulled out my old typewriter to type up the care instructions.

Cozy Style

This morning, I have been playing around with Photoshop on a photo of a knitted headband I made. I'm trying to learn a little more about using and making PNG files, texturing, etc.  I'd like to make a digital scrapbook and have it printed, but most of the stuff I've made so far has seemed flat and unexciting. I made this headband for a friend for her birthday....and the centerpiece is changeable (it is attached with a button!)  I'm going to make another embellishment that is more earthy.  She's an earthy gal and this will keep her ears warm whilst toiling in her food garden this early spring. Lately I've been addicted to knitting (last two weeks I made a bunch of cowls) while watching the entire 4 seasons of Felicity on Netflix.  I guess I was reliving college, but not reliving the drama of that age.  Have you seen them?  Felicity had quite the love drama going on. I have to say, tho, that over the course of those seasons I DID develop quite the c...

Fun in White Clay Creek

My favorite part of the day is when I get the opportunity to take my little dogs into a nearby park to frolic in the woods.  This trail is a nice and lengthy 3.1 miles for their little legs, giving them a little exercise and fun.  It's particularly nice when I get a chance to do it in the morning, because there are very few other folks around, making for a mostly nice and quiet adventure.  [Oliver really loves to bark like crazy at anything that makes a noise...but especially the mountain bikers and other runners...very annoying] Oliver and Layla near the beginning of the wood For those questioning my love for my dogs...Not to worry, the dogs are leashed.  I photoshoped out the leashes in many of these shots. Pretty Layla wondering what I'm doing with my camera Layla resting on a bike ramp There are two fields that when there aren't many people around, I'll let them run free and off their leashes.  Here Layla was taunting Oliver tryi...

Sweet Pink Rain

Quick post tonight...since I'm just under the wire.  Long day.  This is a little sneak of the upcoming {ippity} release (wink), which happens on 8-March!  Just as I was finishing up, I dropped my ink pad on the image, so you can see a little added "Texture".  Oh, well. it still works. On the inside, it says "Happy", which is the rest of the quote. The rain in the background is from the February KOM. In the next photo, you can see just how much my baby liked my day, yes? He was so sad, because not only would I not play ball, he wasn't getting ALL my attention. It's hard not to love this face.  It works for him EVERY time.  Silly how he wanted to play with ME and not Layla.  She wanted to play, but he wasn't in the mood for her play. So, guess who started playing ball after this sad little rant?  Yes!  Me.  Like I said, it works for him every time.   So that's your sneak....Here's a peak at the {ip...

Sleepy Baby

Sleepy Baby , originally uploaded by bloomingpink . There is nothing like a long walk to put Oliver to sleep! So funny, sprawling on his back and no worries in the world!