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Showing posts from May, 2012

Peary Good Start for Summer, N'est Pas?

Spent some time over the last few days making several cards.  This card expresses a little of my excitement for the changes.  While I realize that summer is in the middle of June, for me, it's Memorial Day weekend...which is upon us! So, YAY for summer.  I so want to skip off to spend some much needed time outdoors soaking up the vitamin D, smelling the warm grass, and relishing in breezy sunshine (minus any trace of humidity, please). I love this pear image from the  New Season, New Wonder set.  I just kept adding little bits of color here and there until I was satisfied.....And then, threw in  Bloom & Simplify .   And even more texture and distressing. And layers.  It finally came together where I feel satisfied. Anyway, a few people are receiving these shortly.  I just love putting little surprises in the mail, don't you? What's even better?  Unity started a pre-Memorial sale and if you haven't gotten your hands on th...

Fruity Drinks and Fun at the Beach

I used "Live Half Full" (HERE) , the new {ippity} itty bitty that was part of the release this may.  Great for summer and living an optimistic and free life! Speaking of free, my daughter has been visiting and leaves to visit friends north of here today.  We had a great visit and took a few hours to relax at the beach yesterday afternoon.  It was a tad bit breezy and cool, but really jumped started my sense that summer really is almost here! Isn't she beautiful?

Precious Boy

A quiet, misty morning walk in late March 2012. This little precious boy puts a smile on my face every time I look at him. I mean, really, who wouldn't smile like there's no tomorrow at this little guy?  I love him.  Every. Little. Thing. He almost (ALMOST) competes with my husband. My sweet husband with a similar expression.  What do YOU think?

Tea with Friends

Just a midweek post to show you a bit of what I have been up to. Friends restore a balance that cannot be matched.   I created this little gift for my very good friends who I do not get to see often enough.  Enclosed are some various tea blends that may help soothe the nerves, calm the spirit, or invigorate the senses! And I suppose if a dash of alcohol is added, it just might lighten the load, if only for a bit. Creating this was a snap with my Big Shot, punches, and new favorite cup stamp, new Unity {ippity} itty bitty, Java Friend . RahRah's minus Jean May 2012 Robin, Rebecca, Ginny, Joanne, Jenne Cheers to good friends!

Summer Awaits

July 2011 Rebecca Daniels, Montana I find flowers, especially daisies, calming and invigorating at the same time.  Summer awaits.  It is beckoning and the little girl inside me cannot wait.

Pretty Layla Girl

My pretty little girl had surgery last Thursday.  Pretty standard stuff (spay), but EEK...I just can't imagine having my abdomen cut into (hasn't happened to me yet!). After feeling sore and pinched all weekend, she is finally starting to feel free and rambunctious again.  Ventured out this morning in the misty rain for a short 1 mile walk, I could tell that she was happy that her routine was being restored to normal.

Courage, Strength, Hope - May {ippity} Release!

I don't know about you, but I need something to celebrate this week.  Work has been quite the  challenge   adventure. So, to continue my goal of ever increasing bliss (yes, it's a stretch goal), I just stayed focused on the things that I enjoy. One of which is creating beautiful things.   And, of course, we all know that Unity stamps makes creating beautiful things so much easier.  If you haven't seen their release this week, go check it out.  It's pretty amazing and I'm going to be finding myself pretty broke and eating lots of Ramen and $1 pasta next week! The card above is using an {ippity} set that is releasing tonight!  Among several others....Like, right now! Courage is my strength I want to digress a little and talk about this release and what it means to me...and what it means to the stamp artist.  This release is focused on strength and courage and living life to the fullest.  The artist, Dana Car...

Birthday Cards and Critters

Another good day. Friday. FWF....ah, YAY.  We have our 10 mile run this Sunday.  Psyched.  Ready.  Just not ready for the 4 AM wake up call we'll have to get to the start on time. It's a big race.  10,000 or so folks, I think.  I'll be out there, a sweating slow moving pebble amongst all the color and speed.  In Pink...listening to Pink, and probably singing horribly, but happily.   Oh, but back to the photos.  This is my darling husband's birthday card.  We celebrated last evening with cake, steak, and asparagas (but not in that order). Moses could make a card faster with a pick and rock than I can, I think.  I mean, he did come up with all those commandments in a short bit, yes?  I believe I had Unity stamps and craft materials scattered everywhere before this little gem of  a card came together.  By looking at it, you'd think it was an easy one.  No.  For me, never.  I fret over eve...