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Showing posts from 2013

Twinkle Toes - Pass Me the Chocolate

New Year's Eve is just around the corner!  I cannot believe a year is already almost over. Celebration in the midst.  Going to party this year.  We usually don't. It's really swanky, and the hostess is a fashion queen, so what better gift than a shoe full of chocolate? (well, I can think of few better items, but not ones I can afford). If you are interested in creating one of these for yourself, you can see the pattern here: SHOE PATTERN And of course, the focal point and attention grabber is the center.  Another wonderful Pinque Peacock Splendid Swirl. So, what are you doing for New Year's Eve? I hope that whatever it is…you feel joy. And smile.

My Special Boy

Oliver was the only one at Christmas that cooperated for a shot in front of the tree.  And everyone wonders why he's my favorite!

Warm Little Sweetness

I must admit that I have become quite fond of making little bitty sweaters.   It all started on a recent trek to India traveling for business. I needed to carry just enough yarn to keep my busy bee hands occupied during the evenings in my hotel room. There are just so many hats a person can make, right?  Anyway, having limited quantities of yarn, I decided to give a small sweater a go.  This is the first one I created. I had just the perfect little buttons to add! (It really is amazing what one might find in their cosmetic bag) I love it.  This sweater is also featured on the Pinque Peacock blog   since I used her buttons.  (Go visit and see the buttons up close) This makes the sweater a really one of a kind project! This next one is perfect for a little preemie.  It's so tiny, but features a great big snowflake! Close up of the snowflake…. I also sewed on one of the StampinUp! Frosted Finishes Embellishments. ...

A Very Merry Season is Upon Us

EEEEK.  That's all I can say when I see snow upon me.  I am NOT a winter time gal.  Having grown up in the south, I am more at home in warm and even HOT weather. But alas, here I am.  Delaware.  Thank goodness where I live we get a good cushion of the warm Atlantic that tends to keep the DEEP chill at bay (I'm thinking of a friend in Michigan who lives in winters I can't even IMAGINE). So, for this card...I decided to make myself SMILE with my skinny legged snowman.  And he matches the button I used SO NICELY ...which remind me... ...I am blathering on about me when I should be talking about PINQUE PEACOCK cuz I'm participating in the release hop this month. Blog Hops. Something I am grateful for. Something that brings me inspiration across miles that I would otherwise not be able to see.  Nor bring me a kindred spirit for the craft. So go get yourself the INSPIRATION...and possibly the PRIZES available. Jessica, the shop owner, is ...

Warm Cozy - For the Holidays - Gift Tag!

Since the weather began turning a bit chill here, I started knitting again!  Above is a hat I actually DESIGNED myself.  I've tried it without the cable and in a few different colors.  It's a slouchy hat that fits my style. But most of the hats I've made, I won't be keeping.  They will be nice cozy gifts for friends and family (not saying who, tho!) I'm happy to report that I've completed more than 8 different colors and styles of hats, which means I just might be ready (which almost NEVER happens). And of course, I have to make a tag to go with it, right!  Well, this stamp from Unity arrived in my mailbox last week just in time for a tag to be created for this cap. I also used a bit of some of my favorite 3GIRLJAM crinkle ribbon from last year's holiday bundle.  I've been hoarding it! Here's a close-up! Well, that's it for me!  It's been a long time since I have been able to participate in Friends With Flair.  Now I need ...

Pinque Peacock Release - This Weekend!

I just thought I would pop in for a very quick post today to alert any of my readers to the upcoming Pinque Peacock November release. All Weekend Long, starting on Friday, 8-Novat 1:00 AM EST. As usual, you'll have a change to win Pinque Peacock goodies! Start the hop at the Pinque Peacock website HERE

You're the Best

Just wanted to pop in quickly and show you a card that I made using one of my fun new buttons from Pinque Peacock .  I knew I would LOVE using these Farm Fresh buttons when I first saw them. I thought I would start the month off right with a bright and joyfully colored card of thanks, realizing my color choices are totally out of season! I have all but abandoned this blog over the last month due to work and life craziness.  I finally put down the keyboard (I work in the IT industry) and decided to take some time to let my inner artist free. So, last weekend, I took a Clay Monoprinting workshop at a local artist's studio and LOVED it.  I knew I would, because I took the same workshop a couple years ago, except I took the one day version.  Mitch is truly an inspiring artist.  And so helpful.  He's very eager and willing to spread what he knows on to others.  He isn't having another workshop in my area until next year, but I just know I will most...

Blog Hop Day 3 and my Fancy Bonnet for Breezy Nights on the Deck

You can start your voyage by clicking on the button above. It's a Pirates Life Blog Hop Welcome to the last island stop on the Blog Hop!  You're almost there. ARRRGH Mates! I'm your serving winch on the Daniels Ship of Thieves. Okay, so don't laugh too much!  This is me in a new hat I knitted up for my daughter before it gets too chilly in the great NW where she lives.  One of my favorite activities in Fall and Winter is knitting.  I usually start ramping up around this time, so that I have at least SOME sort of chance to get presents ready in time for the holidays. Here is a close-up on the wonderful felt flower from Pinque Peacock I used: And with that, I will say AHOY! mates. Navigate your way to Pinque Peacock's Facebook Page to say hello to our Captain and Chief, Queen Peacock, and the owner AND creator behind all the wonderful products!

Time Flies

Time passes all too quickly in my life right now.  Everyone says that as they get older.  I can't imagine what it'll be like when I'm 90. Today this card is also over on the Pinque Peacock blog.  Go visit and say hi! In the meantime, I have people that have wanted to see a few shots I took on a recent super fun plane ride that my daughter gave me and Dave for Christmas last year.... So, put your wings on (or goggles) and take a look at the Maryland Chesapeake Valley from a birds eye view.... Okay, Over and Out! Everyone have a good weekend!

Preserved Peach Heaven

There almost isn't anything better than this time of year.  So many things growing, so many things to eat, so many things to PUT UP for colder weather! And that is what I did this past weekend with a bushel of peaches!  I made a couple batches of peach butter, peach preserves, and canned peaches! But we're a small family now...and can never finish the amount I actually can.  So, that means others get to enjoy it to.  In the endeavor of canning, I have lots to pass on.  My labor into the mouth of others.  Okay, that's sort of silly, but you get the point. And the photo above is a little gift.  In creating the packaging, it uses a couple of my favorite Made in the USA at a Home Based, Small Company. The button is from Pinque Peacock (and I'm also show casing this today, so go say hi), and the ribbon is from 3GIRLJAM ! Now, go enjoy your Friday!  Tomorrow I'm going on a little bitty plane to take some awesome shots! TTFN

Fun in the "Bark" Park

The dogs and I had a wonderful, rare time (this summer), on an early morning walk recently in the morning.  Captured a few shots.  These two lil' babes just make me smile! (the sun was getting in his eyes).  But really, you can't help lovin' lil peeps like this, right? And this is an out-take.  He got very bored with me fiddling with the camera. And there you have it....the delight of my walk.

Eggs Bleu

There's nothing more heavenly than a lazy hot day that starts with a treat like this!  The flavors. My husband and I conjured this perfect combination of salt, savory indulgence, sweets, and punch. Eggs Blue 2 organic farm fresh eggs fresh baby spinach 2 slices maple smoked bacon Stilton Bleu Cheese Handful of your favorite berry Chop the bacon in small pieces and cook until crisp.  Drain well and pat dry.  Layer on a bed of fresh, clean baby spinach. Poach eggs to desired firmness.  (I like mine cooked with a center that resembles pudding).  Pat dry and layer atop the bacon.  Sprinkle with the Stilton.   Add the berries. Savor. I'm really proud of what we produced.  It was fun working together.  The berries - I picked those from our property line.  This year, because it's been so wet, we have a really good yield of raspberries.  Thanks to the deer and birds for bringing these bushes to our property! (Oh, and my t...

Mrs. Elsa Mae Baxter's 102nd Birthday

Mrs. Elsa Mae grew up in a time period of great change in America.  She was born in 1911, prior to the onset of WWI, when the earth moved at slow and steady pace.  As a young girl, she saw the war sweep her daddy away.  She saw her mother anxious, her family fearful, with peaks of sorry as word arrived of the many young men in the community were taken.  By the end the war, an otherwise protected 8 year old was made to realize that her father, among the taken would never return. She was among the young that formed the basis of a new set of women. Among the women of her generation was a change in attitude where women everywhere decided that they were not willing to waste away their lives idly waiting.  They were going to enjoy life. She was among those that dismissed the corset, relaxed their wastes, embraced dancing, jazz, smoking.  They had a voice.  She was among the wave that gave us the vote.  Gave our bodies back to us.  Gave us ...

Gosh Thanks

Good morning!  Rebecca here showing you my simply freakin' elegant card! Hope you like it too! I used one of my favorite color 3GirlJAM Crinkle Ribbon ( Aqua Splash )....and mixed it up with a couple other colors that just give a light summery feel. The only thing that gave me the slightest challenge was being patient enough to get the gather the way I wanted. And now it's heading to a special someone that is always such a thoughtful generous friend! Hope my simple card inspires you to tell a special some thanks! CHEERS!

Pretty Flower Gift Box

Good Day everyone!  Today I wanted to show you a fun decorative gift box project I put together for a friend's daughter!  Inside I put a few sample Avon lip sticks, some hotel lotion, and tissues (this little girl is alot like mine was when she was younger....very girly girl).  I really hope she enjoys it. Just a quick run down on the different products I used: - Pinque Peacock Fabric colored button from the May 2013 Release - Stampin Up! Real Red, Daffodil Delight, Whisper White card stock - Stampin Up Blossom punch - Sobo Glue - Stampin Dimensionals - jumbo size eyelets in yellow to match (brand unknown) - Black dotted ribbon (retired Stampin Up) - Pearl Basic Jewels (Stampin Up) - Lacy Brocade Textured Impressions Embossing Folder (Stampin Up) - Corner Rounder Punch (brand unknown) - Large Oval Punch (for punching the lip in the box (see below Here's the layout for the box.... Hint:  Score all lines first, then cut away.  If you ...

Notes Book

Today I'm participating in Pinque Peacock's July Release Blog Hop!   I will not bore you with lots of jibber jabber...only the facts!  We're busy people and summer brings a desire to do things other than sit in front of the computer! START HOP HERE (Also, brush up on the rules if you want to win GOODIES) Here's closeup of the release products I used: Such a joy to work with. TOTALLY loved the Small Splendid Swirl . And I always like working with the Pinque Peacock Stick Pins. Oh, I made this little journal completely from scratch! I learned to do this from my dear friend Joanne.  One of these days, I'll have to post a video tutorial to make one for yourself, but I'll have to get over my anxiety for thinking I sound like a 12 year old when I speak (because I do). Anyway, I promised no Jabber.... So, off with you KIMBERLY Thanks for stopping by!

Cuppa Joe

3GirlJAM started a new challenge today!  It's "Shaped Card with Ribbon".  I've had these two stamps for AT LEAST 22 years....and this was a perfect use of them! So, break out your imagination and let's see what you come up with.  This challenge is being sponsored by Carri, from DoubleClick .  She sells the coolest assortment of "skittles", so the winner of this challenge gets the following awesome prize: Any three colors of skittles (75 total)           $10 GC and Guest Design Spot

Born on the 4th of July

Today is the day for BBQs and fun! And Fireworks. And staying cool. (wished I still had an inground pool!) My husband's cousin's birthday actually IS today, so I whipped up this card! Anyway, I've got a different project (along with this one) posted over on the 3Girl Challenge blog ... Go take a look! And then GET OUTSIDE and HAVE A BLAST!

Precious You

Good Morning. I wanted to show everyone a few more pages in the journal I've been working on for the past couple weeks (that is now in route to the recipient).   In the pages I am showing you today, I used a couple special items from Pinque Peacock  products.   One thing I really like about PP products is that each item is made with care and attention...and  that is exactly what my  friend needs.  I wanted to make sure  each and every page in this journal was very precious. I sure do hope you like my project...I'll be tickled when she gets in the mail... Here's a showcase of the pages where I used PP pins and buttons! You can see other pages on this post HERE . And here's a few pages I've not yet shown:

Mixed Up Media Chix - Summertime Blog Hop!

I have a fun project to share today!  Very excited about this one.  I've been working on it for over a week's still not completely done, but it's getting there! I've done this for a super wonderful friend that is going through a bit of a rough time.  She needs encouragement, so I'm putting together a little art journal to let her know how special she is. And while this is a special gift, it's also part of a really fun blog hop I'm participating in with the other Mixed Up Media Chix!   Follow along...You'll truly be inspired. So, if you need to start at the beginning: HOP START Oh, guess what else is going on... IT'S OFFICIALLY SUMMER. IT'S MY ANNIVERSARY. Anyway... Here are a few images of the pages in the journal. Each page has a little journal page insert:  This journal was made from lots of recycled stuff, including...wait for it.... Toilet Paper Rolls! ...