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Showing posts from 2010

Spinner Birthday

Spinner Birthday (1.0) , originally uploaded by bloomingpink . Card I'm teaching later this month at a workshop. What's so much fun about this card is that the little spinner works!

Clay Prints

ClayPrint(2.0) , originally uploaded by bloomingpink . Above is another one of the prints I created.

Lots of Color.

ClayPrint(1.0) , originally uploaded by bloomingpink . Who'd have thought that playing in the mud could be so much fun! Above is a clay print (printed from a slab of clay) that I created after attending a local artist's workshop. I took the day to learn and visit with artist, Mitch Lyons. He had a one day workshop on the Clay Print technique. Wonderful technique for printing from color applied to a clay slab. He has been doing clay prints for over 40 years now and has tested all kinds of approaches for this particular art technique. He shared all this wealth of knowledge with us, while also giving us the technique to do it ourselves. So much fun. You can learn all about him here:

Oliver on Christmas Day

Oliver on Christmas Cay , originally uploaded by bloomingpink . He's Growing! IN this photo, I had to keep waking him up to take his photo. That's about the only time that he is still enough to capture.

Northern Flicker

Northern Flicker , originally uploaded by billy3001 . I was very excited to see this bird visiting the feeders this morning. I hadn't seen this particular bird. They are pretty stunning. Very large....Quite a bit larger than a Blue Jay.

Poor Coma!

PRRRRRRR!!! , originally uploaded by milky.way . I did the worst thing ever! When I was de-matting Coma (using scissors to cut mats off her), a horrible mishap occurred and I accidentally clipped a tiny portion of her tongue....OFF! Her tongue got in the way in a stroke when she decided to help. She's just miserable. Can you imagine how painful this would be? I called the vet and they said to watch her and check to make sure it doesn't start to swell...which would indicate an infection. Ughhhh. What a terrible mom I am.

Holiday Cards

Above slide show shows the cards I made for the bazaar last weekend. Sold a few, which was nice. I also made some felted mitten ornaments. Here's a picture of one that I sold:

Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker [Female]

Yellow-bellied sapsucker (female) , originally uploaded by Laney Bird . While there's a few people I'd grant the name to (yellow-bellied sapsucker!), that's not why I'm sharing this. I saw this bird (not THIS bird, but same species and female) at my suet feeder today! I was pretty excited because it was very different from the normal woodpeckers who come by and visit every day. After doing a little research, I found that this bird may be migrating south or spending the winter here. If I were her, I would travel a bit more south for warmer temps! But it sure was nice that she stopped by to visit and have a snack.

Happy Birthday John

Cake! Today is John's 20th birthday. It also marks the day that we no longer have teenagers, which is either a good thing or an "old" thing. I made the above card for John. On the inside, it reads "It's your birthday. Let's eat, drink, and go on rides!" I really did try to use colors other than pink, but I was uninspired to do so. He didn't mind or at least that's what he said. He was probably being nice. So, here he is wearing a shirt with his picture on it from a trip to Cape May he trekked with a friend and her parents. Goofy Pose. Shirt (Note that he's on the shirt), Geeky Cup, Cake....all of which a friend from school gave him. Made my job easy. I didn't have to bake.

Pink Car

originally uploaded by .


Kinky , originally uploaded by bloomingpink . Cozy, warm....and safe from Oliver


Always wanted wonderful pink nails. But.... I'm a biter.

Let's Wake Oliver

I swear, everytime I see the little guy asleep, my mind starts singing this merry tune.... Of course, the cats are thinking...let him be...let him sleep, give us peace.

C'Mon Let's Play

Okay, so I'm going to run around the house full speed. You follow...OK?

What He's Thinking....

"Seriously, the work this woman does all day long is incredibly boring."

Fiesta Friday!

I am more than happy that it's Friday. Cannot wait for 4:00 pm, when I jet out of here to go have a little fun with some of my friends. Then off to pick up my husband, who has been away all week in Jackson, MS working. I miss him.


I went to the Farmer's Market today to pick up a bussel of apples for applesauce. To market to market to buy a fresh .........well, you get the picture. I had never been to this market before. After a recommendation from my in-laws, I decided that it was a beautiful day for the 30 minute drive to the Booth Corner Farmer's Market. Eggs, veggies, and then a stroll around. I turn a corner and in front of me is this little guy..... Meet Oliver Who is now at home with us. After an adventureous ride home and meeting the family, he enthusiastically tried to make friends with Clyde and my cats. Dave and John were happy to have him and thought he was adorable, but...well, let's just say that Clyde and the cats were not the least bit interested in befriending this ball of energy. So to run off some steam, he froliced around outside, did his business and then cozied next to Dave on the couch where he is now fast asleep. I am sure he's going to be very active again right when we n...

Spooktactular Month

With so much going on, I thought I would jump start this month with a'em ghastly image.

Weaver's Paradise

Now that's a loom, eh? Today, Jing and I took an adventure to Maryland to pick up a loom that she found for sale online on Ebay. What an incredible day we had. First . Let me just say that Jing was more than excited to find this loom used and in such good condition. She has been obsessing about this particular floor loom since she saw it. Brand new, it's very expensive. ( I have to add that even used, it's more than many used cars!) Second . Traveling to a new place is always a fun time. And it was a nice morning for traveling. Not too humid or hot, which is always a concern in August on the east coast. Jing took her knitting along while I drove our SUV. Everytime I visit with her I learn more about how interesting a life other people have. As a pediatric eye surgeon, we discussed everything from her excitement of medicine, interesting cases, to the current hardships of so many with lack of medical coverage, the state of insurance industry, and the pressures it has placed...

Proper Days....

...Are spent having wonderful fun, fine dining amidst a very hot day at the beach with my daughter.

New Pets Are Always Fun

Our excitement today was to construct a worm composter. Silly, but we had a really good time...even considering the squelching heat. (By the way, that is why we did it in the garage). Found a great tutorial online here: So, the new composter is now safely tucked away in the basement! I'll be excited to see how it goes.

Sew Easy Card with Felt Flowers

What better way to kick start a week than with a cheerful, yet easy card. While this is made as a birthday card, it could easily be used for all sorts of greetings - from "Just Because" to....Mother's Day (which will creep up sooner than I think!). Think I'll whip a few more, but leave the greeting off so that I can have a few on hand!

Friend to Friend Card

Just a quick post today to show you what I've been up to. This is a quick card for a friend of mine that I haven't spoken with in a while. I miss her and thought I better pop a card in the mail to let her know she was on my mind. This is turning out to be such a wonderfully relaxing weekend!

Fading Beauties

I think I mentioned that Dave brought me a couple nice buckets of tulips over Easter weekend. Aren't they pretty? They were starting to fade when I took this picture, but I still like it. Now they are out in the front corner of the house, planted, so that we can enjoy them again next year (hopefully!)

Cluck Cluck Cluck

I finally took the opportunity to take a quick snapshot of my latest painting. I finished it at the end of March. I've been working on it since August, so I'm glad it's finally done (I get really tired of looking at the same time week after week!). It's a four panel painting - each panel one square foot. Currently they are hooked together with a panel board and some screws. I have plans to frame them separately before hanging them on the wall, slighly askew. so they aren't "square" with each other...We'll see. I haven't tested to see how it'll look (since they are still hooked together). Happy Friday tomorrow! I plan to spend as much time as possible in the warm sun. I think we're also going to take a ride into a nearby town over the weekend and look at old buildings...dreaming of bigger, more awesome studio space!

TTV Shot - Assateague State Park - 2005

This is a TTV camera shot of my daughter walking in Assateague State Park on vacation back in 2005. I've been moving some photos from one drive to another and having a little fun looking through them. Boy can I lose hours doing stuff like this! Anyway, I pulled out this picture, because I think it will be a nice one to do as a painting while the studio I paint in is closed for the summer.


During a 15 minute decluttering session (FlyLady buzz) in the backroom of my bedroom , I ran across the photo above from my honeymoon... Well, that's all it took for me to trash the declutter session and run downstairs to the computer...because this (and others) brought back such fun memories, trampling through BC dust with my husband. I guess I'll have to get back to decluttering later, but for now...I'm reminiscing.

Warm Weather, I think I'll Nap

With all the warm weather we've been having, Yello Cat has decided her best perch as sundown approaches is atop this pizza box, under the warmth of the desk lamp. In this shot, she is snoring pretty loudly. I guess she got a little bored watching me work...I mean, who wouldn't? We both would rather be frolicing in the long grass!

Fancy Pack

I sold a couple items in my shop yesterday. I'm always looking for special ways to say thanks. The above is a pack of 3 x 3 speciality paper that I thought might be a nice way to do just that. I always strive to use ribbon and tie in a way that allows it to be I wrapped a foot each of two different ribbons that I had on hand. I also pinned on a little ribbon rose that I made over the weekend. I would be delighted to receive something like this in the mail, so I'm pretty sure she'll be happy too. It just whispers Spring, don't ya think?

Corporate Cat

I couldn't resist this picture. I was working from home and on a conference call. For some reason, my cat, Kinky, was intrigued with the work we were doing. Really. Something caught...and KEPT...her attention. For almost an hour. It's really bizarre what interested her. She sees me on the computer ALL THE TIME (I work from home quite often) and has never been so interested in my activities...but planning for my trip and conference... She found THAT interesting. I wonder if she contemplated who might give her liver in my absense? Or rather, did she notice an agenda item that might need adjustment? Anyway. My Corporate Feline.

Purse Your Treats...Not Your Lips

I made the above (more than one....a set of little purses for a swap recently) These little jewels are big enough for a few chocolates or flashy baubles....whatever the budget, eh? The swap centered on challenges for the Cricut. This one uses the "Forever Young" (for the purse) and Gypsy Wanderings (emblem and layers) cartridges. My minds actually SPINS with all the possibilities of what can be done with these little treasures.'s perfect packaging. Somewhere in my youth I was taught that the PRESENTATION for a gift was almost as important as the gift itself. Like almost every lesson, I'm thinking it came from my mom...who coordinates EVERYTHING. Really. You should see her little outfits. Her shoes, even her Keds Boat shoes, match. Always. She is something else... She still wraps stunning packages...Even on her meager budget....Really...She does. a child, I would have drooled over a machine that simplified things the way Big Shot and Cric...

Twinkle Toes for Fashionable Flops

Life just rushes by sometimes. Anyway, despite tumultuous delivery schedules at work, I have tried to calm my spirit with cute little the roses posted. Aren't they a cute adornment to a sandal? I saw something similar on fashionable high hell sandals (heee hee. you read that correctly), but my daughter practically lives in flip flops during warm weather, so the first thing I thought of was embellishing her flops! Brilliant, eh? So, that led me to next shots, which instead of crochet, uses 2" bright ribbon and 1/2 back pearls. I REALLY liked the ways these turned out. And a close-up of the rose. So, there you go. Fresh colors. This should give her a little style for Spring.

Can You Feel It?

I absolutely LOVE jogging during this time of year...not only because the temperatures are perfect for it, but because everytime I go out through the woods I can FEEL the earth growing. The earth shakes it's cobwebs and dormant spirit and revives itself...Something my own spirit desires. I can see the same energy in my little furry family. Today....Clyde. I've mentioned my little guy before...he's a 17 year old Pomeranian. As Dave and I were heading out the door, he stepped out of his kennel asking to go. He's a funny pooch...years ago when I was jogging marathons and doing triathalons, he trained with me on the runs. He loved it, as long as the temperatures were reasonable. So, I became sensitive to his signals...when he wanted to go or wanted to "sit it out". Today, he wanted to go....AT 17, mind you...isn't that like almost 120 in dog years!? AND....he's got congestive heart failure so I have to be very careful...but I could not resist his li...

New Welcome

Don't little precious packages bring so much joy? My husband told me last night when I came home that one of the men in his office was a proud new daddy. So, I whipped up a card for him to take. I guess it's easy to tell based on the color that they are proud new parents of a baby girl! The picture quality of the card isn't that great, but I had just had two intensive days at the office (one of them had me up at 3:45 AM again), so I was beat, but wanted to capture the design so I could reproduce it as needed in the future. Here's a closeup: The rattle is stamped and embossed on heavy vellum, in case you're wondering (since it's semi transparent). The inside reads "Congratulations".

Celebrating Alice

Thought I would put a few more bright cards together in celebration of the return of Alice. I better get these in the mail quickly or they WILL be late!


Aren't these little earrings a treat? They are simple yet elegant with just a splash of color. I finished these up last night (and just barely in time, I should add).


What does one do while waiting for snow to melt and Spring to come? ....Make jewelry in springtime colors, that's what! I made the blue sparkly loops with paper, rubber stamps, crafting pigment, and high quality jewelry resin. The backing for the loops is a galvanized flat washers from Home Depot! Who could guess, eh? And that's what THIS girl does in a hardware store...look for items she can turn into baubles and bling!

Tootsie Treat...And, Oh Pink

These took literally 15 minutes to whip together...which is a good thing, since I am working a stamp camp tonight and tomorrow and had to bring a door prize contribution.