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Showing posts from July, 2009

Pink Hooter

My daughter made the above 'lil hooter. Isn't he adorable? She is visiting from Washington State! I've not seen her in what feels like forever, so we're catching up. She's been on the East coast for a couple weeks, but only this week made her way down to visit with us. She'll be here (we'll in and out visiting friends nearby in Philly) until mid-August. Anyway, she made the above card for a friend for her birthday. She saw the owl cards I made and the Deer Friend card and wanted to make something similar. I really like the way she used non-traditional colors to color in the owl. Anyway, he's so cute, I thought you all would enjoy it too!

Deer Friend

I've been so busy this week! My how time flies. I still have a few days of pictures to document from my tip, but for now, I thought I'd share a card I created for another swap! It is nature focused, which is good! We didn't see ANY deer on our hike...but we did see lots of Moose tracks...and Moose doo! Anyway, isn't this little deer so cute! I just love this image from The Greeting Farm . Adding the spots for the baby was easy with my Copic Sketch marker blender. I have to say that I should never have waited so long before using those markers! They really make coloring easy and fun. Hope everyone is enjoying their week. We're approaching August, which means that we're in the last month of summer! Summertime just flies by more quickly as the years go by. I think we've been blessed for the most part this summer here in Delaware, because it has been hot, but not horribly unbearable as it has in previous years. This has been one of my more mild summers yet. Anyw...

Day 3 - Mahoosuc Notch

Day 3 was by far the most difficult hiking I have yet accomplished. We only hiked about 5 total miles that day (from Speck Pond to the next shelter, Full Goose), but it took the entire day. The Mahoosuc Notch is a one mile stretch on the AT that is a boulder pit. It's considered the most difficult mile on the AT. I think I agree, because it is nothing but extremely large boulders and deep holes. Getting to it is no picnic either...independent of whether you are traveling North on the AT or going South (which is what we were doing). The Notch is in a bowl, and from either direction, you must first travel down to it. The travel downward is steep, rugged, and rocky....and in our case, wet. We woke on day three to soft rain. And Dave and I stayed in our tent until the rain finished. We were snug and dry inside our tent [the only thing that was the slightest bit damp was my sleeping bag towards the bottom]. The tent fly was wet and wasn't going to dry before we left, so we pa...

More Grad Cards

It's almost August, but we are still celebrating graduations. Dave had a couple family members with children graduating that he wanted me to make cards this is another card I created while waiting for power yesterday! The graduate is from Hanna Stamps and the sentiment is from Unity! I was practicing my COPICS again on the graduate. I think I like 'em! (COPIC sketch markers, that is) Now, back to the AT Trip.....

Happy Birthday

I have several upcoming birthdays in September, so I'm planning early (for once). I did this card for a swap, but also made several more so that I'd have a few when I needed them. I created these while I was waiting for our power to come back on yesterday. We had a terrible storm on Friday night and didn't have power from 8 pm until well past 2 pm on Saturday! I guess my week vacation in Maine hiking helped prepare me for 24 MORE hours without power. We were all walking around our house on Friday night looking like coal miners with our head lamps blazing! It's was pretty hysterical. I also took the opportunity to read, which is something I don't take pleasure in very often...usually only when traveling!

Day 2 - Bald Pate Leanto to Speck Pond

It rained ever so slightly overnight while we were in the tent, but it stopped by the time we were up and about. Above is the picture of John and Dave trying to get some water to boil using the solid fuel. We decided after this breakfast that we didn't really like solid fuel too much! It takes forever to get water to boil and ours kept going out. The counselor of the kids took pity on us and loaned us his propane cooker. We have a really light one, but Dave had decided that this trip he wanted to try out the solid fuel. Next time he makes changes like that, I'm taking backup! LOL. Because I don't like anything keeping me from my morning cuppa java! On this hiking trip, we were "lucky" to have privy accommodations at all our tenting sites. On an AT Trip through TN a few years ago, there were "privy areas"....Needless to say, I wasn't too happy for most of the trip. And we were also lucky that these were pretty "clean". I don't th...

Trip Day 1 - East B Hill Road, Maine to Bald Pate Lean To

I am finally starting to post a few pictures from my hiking trip last week. I took about 250 pictures. While I took so many, there were some I wished I had taken...and then there are many that do not do justice to the vastness or the beauty. This is a picture of our group taken at our drop-off point on the first day. We hired a guy whose trail name is The Golden Waldo to do our transport to our starting location. We were shuttled with another group that was hiking a similar section of the trail...Bob, from that group, took our picture. From left to right: Earl (Dave's cousin), Me, Dave, and John. Eager, energetic, and full of energy, we start our adventure...which on day 1 included a 3000 foot climb across Bald Pate, and then down to settle for the evening at Bald Pate Shelter. A few miles into the trail, I took a picture of Dave. Doesn't he look smashing? (And possibly a little annoyed?) Note that he is clean shaven (well, sort of)...this will change over the coming days...