Quick post tonight...since I'm just under the wire. Long day. This is a little sneak of the upcoming {ippity} release (wink), which happens on 8-March! Just as I was finishing up, I dropped my ink pad on the image, so you can see a little added "Texture". Oh, well. it still works.
On the inside, it says "Happy", which is the rest of the quote.
The rain in the background is from the February KOM.
In the next photo, you can see just how much my baby liked my day, yes?
He was so sad, because not only would I not play ball, he wasn't getting ALL my attention.
It's hard not to love this face. It works for him EVERY time. Silly how he wanted to play with ME and not Layla. She wanted to play, but he wasn't in the mood for her play. So, guess who started playing ball after this sad little rant? Yes! Me. Like I said, it works for him every time.
So that's your sneak....Here's a peak at the {ippity} stamp images for this itty bitty.
So, you will want to take advantage of Unity's special, which ends tomorrow, so YOU can get 29% on this when it releases!