Today I am participating in another fun hop with Pinque Peacock!
I sure do hope you are here to join in the fun! If not, click on Pinque Peacock above to start and the beginning!
I made this fun gift box that features an easel card on top! Isn't that cool!
I created a little box to put it in to make it a gift.
Then you wrap it and give it to someone who will be VERY excited.
If it weren't for Pinque Peacock, this gift would not have been as delightful, don't you think?, now it's time for you to make you way onto our next wonderful designer...
(now off you go!)
Laura D.
Moxie Craftie
Terrific quality publish. I adore simply how much inforamtion one can have from your world wide web. And with regards to producing money and running a blog, you have some good content on right here.
Cardsharing Server
pretty gift!
Great use of
all the elements
to create this.
Carla from Utah