The card above was inspired by a creature that has been living outside our sliding glass doors since about the time I went away to visit my daughter in Washington. It's an extremely busy spider, because as soon as the web comes down (due to rain), it's back up again in no time! And the web is pretty large. I've wanted to watch it so Dave has been nice enough to NOT kill it or tear down the web...he keeps reminding me how much he detests them. It's got quite the nest going too and it's amazing how many critters it's caught and stowed away! I foresee a family in the future (psst...let's not tell Dave right away, eh?)
It is a beautiful round brown spider with intricate markings on it's underside. Next time it comes out in decent lighting, I'll have to take a picture. Makes me want to pull out my old copy of Charlotte's Web.
Can you see a general trend with my Halloween cards yet? I am using the same colors in all my cards so far to focus on a design only instead of design + color.
This one is the same colors, and uses some of the same stamps....
enjoy *~*