Much to my delight, I got a call from Vivian yesterday saying that she was nearby with her husband visiting her mom and dad before they head south for the rest of the winter!
So, we decided to meet them for drinks and chat at the Moose Lodge nearby (sort of in-between our houses). We had a great time, because my husband has never met Vivian or her husband or parents and I've never met the male contingent in Vivian's life!
Oh, and I've never been in a Moose Lodge before either, so now the mystery is gone. Much to my dismay, they don't actually wear giant furry hats.
We had lots of fun and laughs...even when I lost all three games of pool to Vivian's dad!
We couldn't talk Vivian's dad into a picture, so you'll just have to believe me when I say, he's a character too!