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Hooray - It's {ippity} Release Day

Today is the day!  Another wonderful release from Unity, which, of course, includes some wonderful {ippity}stamps!  This {ippity} release features the wonderful artist we all know and love, Angie Blom!

I simply fell in love with all the stamps in this release.  I think you will too!

Here are a few close-up shots of the various projects I created and wanted to show you tonight:


Sparkly Heart Necklace

I showed a little sneak peak of one of the necklaces earlier, but included a few more pictures to show you what I did using the set, "Let your Heart Take Flight".  I've mentioned my other passions from time to time, and jewelry is a big one.  And I'm always thrilled when I can combine my love of stamping with jewelry.  As soon as I saw the heart with wings, I knew PRECISELY what I wanted to do with it.  So, the evening it arrived, I pulled out a few of my jewelry supplies and started playing.  The charms were made with shrink plastic colored with colored pencils on sanded clear.  The "Heart" label was also made with opaque white shrink plastic.

Duo Hearts Necklace
These will be making their way to a few of my very dear friends and they will be receiving them in the mail over the next week or so!  They will be surprised, because I haven't mentioned it to any of, SHHHHH.

Another project I made follows.

I Dream of You

Featured here is a little book.  I used "Dream with you Heart" on this one.

SO....THERE YOU HAVE IT.  My Stuff...Hope you enjoyed looking at them almost as much as I did making them!

One of the great things about the Release is the bundle pack that is usually only available for purchase for a very short time.  So, if you loved the images as much as I do, are totally inspired by all the beautiful projects you're hopping through, then you'll want to purchase the bundle!

I won't repeat the labels for each set separately since you can see them above, but do want to show you the {ippity} Itty Bitty that is also part of this release....

Don't want the entire bundle?  The sets are also available separately....and remember you can always use your Unity coupon codes when purchasing {ippity}.  No way to lose!

If you must have these NOW, just click HERE and choose Rebecca Daniels (that's me) as your {ippity} Chick! 

To celebrate the release, in addition to the blog hop, is a release party.  Yay for parties.  After you finish the hop, you should grab your favorite beverage, some chocolate, and head over to the Unity forum on Splitcoaststampers HERE for the Release Party!  There is always lots of fun games, a prize or two, and you'll be able to have fun chatting with all the rest of us!

Okay, well, that's what I wanted to share with you today.  I'll be posting more projects featuring these great stamps.  I hope you enjoyed my project and the details on the stamps that you can get NOW should you not be able to resist!  Head on over to another great chick, Althea, where I am sure she has something amazing to share!

If you get lost at any point along the way, head on over to the starting point on the {ippity} site HERE


jengd said…
Wow, wow, wow, and more wow!!!
Jessica Buffa said…
Oh, Becca...I knew I had to know more about are great at Jewelry making...these are GORGEOUS sweetie! Kudos to you!
Jessica S
angie/shuggy said…
oh my amazingness!! so neat!
Barbara Bruder said…
Your jewelry is beautiful!!!
Anonymous said…
OMG the Jewelry is amazing, makes me want to try it, but I do NOT need another addiction.. LOL Your card is beautiful also but the jewelry steals the show
Rhonda Miller said…
Wow, this is fantastic. TFS.
Riti said…
This is just GORGEOUS!!!
I was waiting so desperately to see the complete project & here is what I see. Absolutely stunning.
Love them both, the Jewellery & the little book as well! Thumbs Up !

Jingle said…
Wow! The jewelry is just gorgeous! You really did a great job! And your book is stunning, as well!
OhMyGosh! Your work is just amazing
NoraAnne said…
Your jewelry is amazing! and that card is just stunning, I love the colors! Very inspiring :)
Ruby said…
Wow Amazing work. You are so talented.
Ruby said…
Wow Amazing work. You are so talented.
Love the jewelry and the card.
I just love shrinky dink stuff--- always have...
Crystal said…
AH-MAZ-ING!!! Love those jewelry pieces and your card is just lovely!
Kary said…
These are AWESOME, Rebecca!! Love the jewellery pieces you made and the beautiful little notebook too. Great projects, LOVE them!!
Eeeeek! You rock! Amazing!
Jen M said…
Wow, your jewelry is amazing!!!!
Linda said…
That project so pratty.... I love the bling bling!!
Anita Kejriwal said…
so This is called creativity!
Eva said…
WOW! Your projects are stunning, you are so very talented and creative.
JPScraps said…
I don't think I've seen anyone do jewelry before....fabulous!! All your "stuff" is amazing.
Barb King said…
Your jewelry is fab! Could you post a tutorial sometime? I have that shirk plastic and never use it. The card is also great-I'm following you now.
JenMarie said…
STUNNING jewelry and darling book!!
Julie Odil said…
Your jewelry is gorgeous, and love the book!
Dr. Ivy said…
Wow, these are great. My daughter would love these.
wow, wow, wow! over the top awesome!
veronica said…
Very cool shrink plastic!
I love the translucence of the last one.
Noelle Reese said…
OH EM GEEE!!!! I love the eartings! How PERFECT!!!
Anonymous said…
Very cool....making jewellry with stamps...awesome!
mlady012 said…
Oh wow!! This hop keeps getting better.Love the book.. Love the jewelry...last time I used shrinky dinks I tried to make my daughter earrings..well it wasn't pretty lol..yours are gorgeous!!& I also love the way you presented them & your pics Great job!!
mlady012 said…
May I just add.. Holy twine.. batman!!!
jennifer mitten said…
These are all brilliant! I hardly think about using my shrink plastic but you have reminded me that I have a package that needs to be used:-)
Roslyn said…
Wow! Your jewelry is simply fabulous!
Glenda J said…
WOW! Absolutely wonderful! Beautiful projects.

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