The challenge was do a card in green in celebration of the upcoming St. Patrick's Holiday.
But I've been wanting to make something fabric for while now, so I used the challenge as inspiration and took creative libery to come up with the simple hand towel above.
It's not quite done yet. I've decided it needs more froo froo, which I plan to finish after work this evening.
But.........with the frooo-frooo, I doubt anyone at my house is gonna want to sop up messes with it. Well, anyone who actually cleans up anyway (Dave or myself). So, maybe it will make it's way out the door to the mailbox as a gift.
Or....double Hmmmm.
We'll see. If I'm embarrassed with the results... it's headed towards the powder room!
All images - Unity Stamp Company, acrylic paint with fabric additive, and fabric.