It's that time of year again. All the new grads out there, happy to be done with school (most of all), while also thinking of the future and dreaming about all the possibilities.
I remember. High School graduation AND my college graduation.
Dreams. All of them.
And that is what this card is all about. We have several family members graduating this of which is my DAUGHTER. She has graduated from college! I'm so proud of her. If you didn't see a recent picture, here she is again! Isn't she beautiful?!
Dream to Be
You can see all the new {ippity} sets being released tonight! NOW. YAY. I love this time every month. New rubber is always a good thing.
You can get all the new great sets at the
Click above to be taken to the company home page.
If you haven't selected an {ippity} chick, you will need to select a chick to proceed to the pages for the stamps.
And don't forget that there is always a great deal the first weekend of the release! Here's the details:
Stocking up at a discount is ALSO always a good thing!
Okay, enough said...Time to head on over to Noelle's blog and see what she has going on! I'm sure she'll have something lovely to share with you...and also bring a wonderful smile to your face at the same time. She always makes me smile!
Congratulations to your daughter. My daughter just graduated this past Friday. Such an exciting time. :o)
{ippity} Chick
Heather Flaherty
Congratulations! to your DD on her Graduation.
Riti :)
And yes, my daughter LOVES Girl Scouts! She started as a Daisy Scout in Kindergarten and has been in GS ever since, and she just (today!) finished 7th grade. No signs of losing interest yet! She loves her troop's camping trips and activities, and I love seeing her so gung-ho. So many great life skills!
Thanks SO much for stopping by!